We rented a boat one day and explored the lake (we're down to owning only one non-working boat now).

We also spent a nice Sunday afternoon at Springy Point and Ella got her first taste of sand (literally).

Brad's distant relative, Dave and his wife Kathy had us over for dinner in Coeur D' Alene. They had a door stop that kept Ella entertained for almost an hour. Every time she'd try and peel herself away, she'd turn back around and start hitting it again.
I've been busy this weekend making apple sauce and freezing apple slices. I didn't realize how easy apple sauce is to make. All I did was slice the apples in half and put them in the crock pot with a little water, cinnamon and nutmeg. I left it over night on low and the next morning worked everything through a strainer and out came applesauce.
I also ordered some baby sign language DVDs and we're working on teaching her "eat". It will be exciting if she ever does it. Right now she pulls herself up on everything. That's the only reason she crawls, is to get somewhere and pull herself up. The problem is once she's up she can't get back down and gets really frustrated until you come rescue her. I'm sure figure it out eventually.