This bracelet was my mom's when she was a baby in Egypt!

Her hair is long enough for pigtails now.

Brad was nice enough to watch Ella and let me go to LA for the weekend before Easter to Claire's Bachelorette party. We had a great time and it was so nice flying all by myself! I missed them though and was happy to be back.
Ella was invited to Sarah's birthday party last month and had a great time on her first slide.

Now that the weather is not freezing (I was going to say warmer, but thought that didn't adequately describe it), we have tried to start doing a little hiking. This was taken on Goldhill.

Finally, my mom, Ella and I spent a week in Chicago for a seminar I had. We were able to see my friend Rachel and her family while we were there which was a lot of fun.

Whew, I think that gets us pretty much caught up. This week we head to LA again for the wedding and then to Phoenix for a week for work.