I figured Father's Day would be an appropriate time to give a summary of Brad's week. Last weekend he went dirt biking with a friend and ended up spraining his ankle. By Sunday morning he couldn't walk on it so we found a friend who had some crutches he could borrow for a couple days until he could walk on it again. He still limps a little but it's much better. Then on Wed he came home from work feeling sick, went straight to bed and I didn't see him again until morning. Then on Friday he was in the garage working on a new rack for his dirt bike which involved grinding metal. I was upstairs when he walked in with this annoyed look on his face and said he had a piece of metal in his eye. He was even wearing his goggles (I saw them on before I went upstairs). He tried some more to get it out in the mirror and then I called the nurse hot line who said to hang up and call 911 right away. Ella was asleep and Brad didn't want me to wake her up so he insisted on driving himself to the ER. Thankfully he made it there and back safe and sound and they were able to get the piece out of his eye. He was fine as soon as he got home, I am so thankful to God for preserving his eye!
Anyway, on Friday he also went for a ride with our neighbor in his plane. He snapped some nice pictures.
Here's a picture from his trip to Seattle over Memorial Day
It's been so good to be home for a while! The weather is finally nice and I remember why I live here. Brad spent Memorial Day in Seattle camping with his friend Chris and Ella and I hung out and did nothing!
I've gotten my camera out and tried taking some pictures. These were about a month ago.
And these I took last weekend. I like this picture because it's her "uhh ohh" face
Ohh yeah, did I mention Ella is walking? She figured it out a couple weeks ago and has finally left crawling behind. Just in time for summer. She's still not much of a risk taker. She stops at cracks in the sidewalk and asks for "help" to get over them. She didn't get that from her dad who sprained his ankle riding his dirt bike this weekend.