Things have been pretty relaxed around here lately. Other than a couple trips in October we haven't been doing too much. It's nice to just be settled (for now). We did go over to Seattle for a weekend in October to hang out and see a friend who lives there. He took us to the Aquarium and dinner at the Space Needle (which was the best Salmon I've ever had). Ella had fun seeing the fish, but honestly, there's more interesting things to see in Seattle. It's not a very large aquarium considering it's on the ocean.

This sea ray thing was by far the coolest thing there

Here we are at the Space Needle

Here's some pictures Johanna took of Ella playing. She likes to cook her Cheerios and dolls and shoes.

She loves her snow boots and put on a bedtime fashion show for us.

And here she is passed out on a road trip.