Ella ate a HUGE bean burrito and I was worried the whole trip back about the bathroom stops we were going to have to make.

We were also able to spend some time with Brad's grandma who passed away just a couple of weeks after we left. We were thankful that we had the chance to see her one more time. Ella really enjoyed playing with the red balloons she had.

We will be heading to Iowa in August for her funeral.
Since returning from Phoenix we've enjoyed hanging out with Brad on the weekends. Here she is showing off her first chocolate Dunkin Donut.

Here she is dressed up for work

She only forgot her shoes and had to stop and pick her nose on the way

Before Johanna left we met a friend at the mall and had lunch and took a train ride around the mall

Since I don't have my nice camera any more and I'm not ready to spring for a new one, I followed in Johanna's footsteps and bought an old film camera. It came with some old film (which is not generally a good thing) so the first pictures turned out pretty grainy. I have also taken some black and white ones and just developed them myself last night. I need to go get them digitized now. I've come to the conclusion that this isn't saving any money and is definitely not saving any time. But I guess it's kind of fun.

My mom came for a couple weeks and it was so nice to have her here. She sure knows how to take care of everyone and she's fun to hang out with. She made me a pre-birthday cake and we celebrated a little early.

While she was in town I decided to get my hair chopped off. It feels so much better!

Now Brad's sister Elizabeth is here for a couple of months. We celebrated her birthday a couple days after she arrived.