Ella had fun on Christmas day opening presents.

She got a horse from Brad's parent's that she LOVES

On New Year's Eve we headed to the Dominican Republic to visit my brother and his family. It was such a fun trip! Every day was warm (although a little more humid than Arizona) and Scott and Ann had just moved in to their new mansion.
Ella had a great ride on the plane

My adorable niece and nephew playing in an old courtyard in the Colonial Zone

Ella had fun sightseeing on her dad's shoulders

We went out one night to a restraunt famous for it's women who dance on rum bottles.

We also spent one day at the beach in Santo Domingo

Where we had our own personal mall walking by all day. We ate coconuts, sugar cane, some sort of seafood and salsa, fried pork, Presidente, pina colada's (it 45 minutes to get, but it was worth the wait!) and cubra libra's (rum and coke). Needless to say, we didn't feel too well the rest of the day.
My handsome brother, Scott (eww, did I just say that?)

My dad bargaining for some Cuban cigars

My brother, Ethan about to enjoy his first cigar (the drink was just for looks)

Brad enjoying himself

Adeline showing off her new do

The next day we drove through the countryside to the north coast

We finally got all the cousins together and happy at the same time!

I tried to take some senior portraits of my brother, Ethan and learned some valuable photography lessons. First, I forgot to reset my ISO down from 1600 (so everything is grainy), second it is hard to get the focus just right when the AV is down to 1.8. Third, I need some sort of flash to help in lower light situations. Ohh well, next time...

Looks like an awesome trip! Totally jealous of your time in warm weather! And the picture of your brother that you edited is so cool!