On our way to Idaho, we stayed a night in Stanley, ID one of our favorite towns here.

The clouds are hiding the awesome mountain in the background

Right after we moved back to Idaho, some old WWII planes came to Sandpoint. We were able to take some pictures from our back yard!
Here's the B-17

In August Brad went on a 1,200 mile dirt bike ride from the Utah/Idaho border all the way to Sandpoint. I'll post pictures of that soon, but in the mean time here is the clan on a trial run they did in July.

My mom was here for the 4th of July and I don't have any pictures of her! Here are some of Brad and Ella playing with "fireworks" in the street.

Ella loves to play in puddles

She has also started ballet lessons and has her first recital in December.

On Friday nights she goes to AWANA at church. Last Friday was animal night and she wanted to be a giraffe so I made this out of a T-shirt I found at Wal-Mart for $1 and some scrap fabric.

She wanted me to get a picture of her braid.

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