Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Best Year Yet

I've had a pretty good life, and this last year with Ella and Brad has been the best so far. She turned one February 3rd and we celebrated with Uncle Mike and Uncle Hal. We ate pizza, cut the mullet and watched a movie I made summarizing her first year. Rather than throw a big party I made DVD's of the movie and sent them to family members with an invite to watch on her birthday.

The Cake (thanks to Marissa for the cake pan)

Enjoying the Cake

Here she is asking for more

And the Haircut. It was hard to cut it, I remember playing with it the first night after she was born to get her to go to sleep. She looks much better with it gone though.

Here's the link if the above doesn't work, http://www.flickr.com/photos/bradandjen/4335679635/in/set-72157623243324953/


  1. What a cute cake! And kid too :-). Will's first haircut was hard too, which was after he was one. But he didn't have nearly as much! Yikes. Kate's probably not going to need one at all!
