Ella had a busy weekend. Brad's dad's cousin Dave and his wife Kathy came up from Coeur D'Alene to visit so we took them to Quest for a tour. Then we went over to our friends Mark and Marissa's house for dinner and she met her first kitten. Today we had a family over from church for lunch and they have a daughter who has agreed to watch Ella for us! That is an answer to prayer and one thing I can cross off my list.
The Klynstra's had us over for yummy honey chicken on Tuesday night

Ella's first visit to Quest (she slept through the whole thing)

She did a little work for dad in his office

Here's Ella holding an 8 day old kitten

My mom sent me some of my outfits from the 70's so she was sporting the fashionable yellow overalls on Saturday (the blanket was one my great-grandma made me)

And since we were on the subject of the 70's I had to get a picture of her mullet

She is all business in the front and party in the back