I thought I'd make a list of some of my favorite baby things (and some not so favorite ones). That way when I need to buy a baby gift I can remember what I liked instead of sitting there not being able to think of a single thing.
1. Fisher Price Papasan swing - I don't know what I'd do without this swing. She loves it!
2. Battery Adapter - It made my day when I found this. Because she uses the swing so much, we were going through quite a few batteries. This goes in the battery holder and plugs in the wall, eliminating the need for any batteries! It works for most swings and other things that take batteries. Not only does it save a ton of money, it's green too.
3. Post-pregnancy Workout DVD - OK, so I haven't done it nearly as often as I should, but it's a great workout that kills your abs.
4. Constellation Nightlight - Right now, I like this way more than Ella does, but that's OK. I love hanging out in her room at night and pretending it's helping her go to sleep.
5. ERGO baby carrier - I like this carrier because you can use it in front or back and it carries infants (with the infant insert) all the way up to 40lbs (if you feel like carrying your 40lb child around).
6. Medela Lactina Pump - This thing is awesome. I picked mine up on Craigslist for $300. They've been making this same machine for over 15 years and it's made to be shared and lasts forever.
7. My Royal Henie Diaper Bag - I like this bag because it's small enough to fit in a large purse and holds about 3 diapers, some wipes you can grab from a refill pack (which won't go dry in the special case), a changing pad (included) and a onesie or burp cloth(just in case).
8. My favorite website, www.mom4life.com - she lives about 30 miles away and only sells stuff invented by moms. There's some pretty creative stuff out there. Check this out, I can't stop laughing every time I look at the picture.
9. Then of course all the usual stuff, Bumbo seat, Boppy pillow, Diaper Genie
The one thing I really don't like:
1. Baby Trend car seat and stroller - OK, I bought this at a garage sale without doing any research and it sucks. It's in good condition, they just did a bad job designing it. You have to hold both side buckles together to buckle it, the handle is really hard to put up and down and you can't put anything in the stroller basket unless the car seat is off. It was obviously designed by someone who has never had a need for a car seat before.
I'd love to hear what stuff everyone else likes.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
love your list, great idea! last week i sent my friend an email w/ websites & products i liked, might need to move it to the blog, i cracked up at the pic on mom4life, that is awesome! i love the bob revolution stroller (w/ infant seat adaptor & console accessories) i only wanted 1 stroller so did lots of research, you can use it from day 1, i can run with it and it has a swivel wheel for everyday use, i got a kelty huge 'hiking' backpack but haven't used it yet, i am excited about it thou, i swear by the front back thing! i used it almost everyday,,,,, ok, i am inspired, i am going to copy you and do a blog about my fav things,, thanks, now i am goingto be up late :) hee hee
ReplyDeletethnx for making the links! love the site and the baby stall pack is hilarious!!! ironically my gfriend just showed met he twilight thing this wk that they JUST bought for their 2 1/2yr old. So even if E doesn't dig it now, she will someday.